As each of us return from an inspiring week at the 2014 International Facility Management Association’s World Workplace Conference in New Orleans, it’s difficult to not get excited about next year’s conference. While it may be over a year away, we are already thinking about what innovative ideas and thought leadership speakers they have in store for us in 2015. We have come up with 7 reasons why you shouldn’t miss next year’s conference.
1) It’s in Denver…in October! Honestly, what better place to hold a conference that time of year than in the “mile high city” of Denver, Colorado? Like this year’s New Orleans Conference, Denver has much to offer. The stunning views and fresh, clean air will help clear your mind, leaving you refreshed and ready to soak up all the information the Conference has in store for you.
2) The World Workplace is the largest collaborative forum of its kind in the world. It is also the longest standing and most respected conference and expo, with those in facility management and related fields coming together to collaborate, educate and learn.
3) What better place for networking than an industry-specific conference such as this? Networking is considered a major tool for both individuals and organizations. With so many FMs gathered in one location, there really is no better place meet the best of the best amongst your peers.
4) Stay on top of the cutting edge of industry trends. Your career and your company stand to gain invaluable information at the IFMA WW Conference. Improve efficiency through evolving best practices, attend courses focused on real-world challenges other companies are facing, and stay apprised of the latest technology and federally mandated guidelines. The knowledge you stand to gain far outweighs the up-front costs for your company.
5) Gain topic-specific expertise from hundreds of thought leaders in the workspace management profession. The IFMA enlists speakers and vendors across the globe, helping you maintain that competitive edge.
6) Comprehensive CEU-approved courses. The World Workplace Conference boasts a program complete with all your CEU needs, so you will not have to attend another event all year to stay current.
7) It’s FREE! OK…not really, but it’s free to you. Your company will benefit from your attendance on multiple levels. Everything you learn is based on real-world challenges, so you will be able to return to work with fresh new ideas and strategies. Your employer need not stress over your time away from the office, as your “three days at World Workplace equates to about 1.2% of your work year, which is nothing compared to the amount of wasted time, redundant efforts and unnecessary frustration that stem from a lack of relevant, reliable information.”
And as an added bonus—iOffice will be there! We’ve already signed up for next year and will have some great, new tools to share with you.
While it is difficult for FMs to be absent from work, because of the multitude of daily responsibilities, the International Facility Management Association’s World Workplace Conference is an event not to be missed. Ours is an ever-evolving profession; one where change is seemingly the only constant. We must strive daily to remain on top of current trends, workplace developments, and leadership techniques. The 2015 Conference promises to deliver all of that and a whole lot more.
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