Your facility has decided to start participating on social media, congratulations! You’ve been acquiring followers and are encouraging employees and tenants to interact with you through your chosen platforms. A few months go by and you may notice, that people who once followed you aren’t any longer. What gives? Below we have outlined some common reasons brands are unfollowed by customers on social. But, don’t worry! They are all fixable – and we’ll guide you through the process.
Too Much Promotional Content
This is the classic mistake. One that every Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account manager has probably made at some point, including myself. Here’s the “cocktail party” analogy to explain.
If you’re at happy hour and willing to meet new people, you engage in normal give-and-take conversation. You introduce yourself in a non-threatening way, and allow the other person to do so as well. You usually ask a question about them to spark a connection, adding in commentary or your own story when they ask about you. You like this person, they like you, so you exchange numbers and decide to have lunch next week.
Then you meet another person. They scream their name at you and before you have a chance to say your name they start babbling on about how great their job is, how great their house is and just overall how great they are. You would probably walk (or run) away, and never talk to that person again.
This is how it comes off when companies only post promotional content on social media. It’s rude, conceded and users aren’t going to put up with it. People come to Twitter and Facebook to learn and to have fun, not to hear about how they can’t live their life without your product or service. Now, eventually carefully integrating promotional content is okay – but use the 80/20 rule. About 80% of your posts should be informative, fun or inspiring. The remaining 20% can be to promote your office or workplace.
Not Posting Consistently
It’s quite shocking to see how many people have created Twitter accounts, tweeted a few times, and then disappear from the platform. Or, how many LinkedIn accounts were created, but never finished. Deciding to commit to using social media at your FM company or office building is a difficult decision for some. Please know that it will take time and manpower to maintain, but the benefits are definitely worth it. However, it looks poor on your company and your industry if you create these accounts and then refuse to monitor them at a consistent pace.
Ignoring Chances to Interact
Your audience reaches out to you, hoping for an answer to a question or a resolution to their problem…and they hear crickets. A few days go by, a few weeks go by and they’ve forgotten all about their attempt to connect and probably haven’t interacted with your company since then. What they haven’t forgotten, is that you ignored them.
Every opinion of your office counts, and one negative experience can ruin someone’s thoughts about you – and perhaps their team and their neighbor who hasn’t had the chance to meet you in person. People talk, especially online. Take the time to respond to questions about building construction or complaints that their floor is too cold within a reasonable amount of time. Studies suggest that responding within an hour is expected by most social users, however that may be unrealistic for many FMs. Try checking messages at noon and at the end of each business day before you leave.
Your Posts are Repetitive or Boring
It is often a struggle to come up with new ideas to engage with your audience. This is the perfect opportunity to ask your viewers what they want to see! After all, you’re doing social media for them, ask some of your most active followers what their favorite posts have been and what they would like to see in the future.
Take a look at similar companies, and take note of what’s working well for them. Don’t blatantly copy or plagiarize, but looking at social media as the viewer can help you understand what’s engaging for you, and likely for your followers as well.
Try re-purposing old content by updating the information. If you wrote a blog on keeping your roof safe during the winter, write one on how to keep it clean for spring. Imagine yourself as your audience, what would YOU want to click on?
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