Figuring out how you want to approach your facilities management company Facebook page can be a struggle. There are so many ways you can showcase your facility or office, but which will be the best received through the largest social site? It’s difficult to say, because each audience is so different. Take it from these five facilieis management companies who have perfected the art of Facebook, and truly rocked what it means to connect with customers on social.
International Facilities Management Association (IFMA)
Why these rock:
The International Facilities Management Association keeps the facilities world updated with the latest in the industry. Their Facebook page is no different. They share upcoming facilities management conferences and discounts on credentials. Also on their page is information on free classes and facilities management career fair information across the globe. They truly are a one-stop shop for facilities and office managers who want to stay in touch with their fellow facilities managers while learning how to do their job even better. IFMA does a great job at sharing multiple sources and promoting their own website.
What you can learn from them:
Sometimes a variety of posts can work in your favor. As IFMA has demonstrated, and with an audience of 5,000 fans to prove it, many different types of people are on social, even in the same industry. Thee are going to be many different facility occupants and types of offices you are trying to reach – so experiment with different types of posts to see what works. Does your following prefer lighthearted posts about holiday office decorations and upcoming renovations? Or do they like to access the page for more critical information like holidays observed or when the maintenance guy will be out for the day. Experiment to see what works for you. Follow IFMA.
Facility Management Magazine
Why they rock:
Based in Australia, this page has a smaller number of growing followers, but that allows them to cater to just that group. Facility Management Magazine also uses humor in their posts to bring a little personality to their page. Their topics range from technology use to preparing your facility for winter. Consistency is also key. While they don’t post everyday, they don’t have long stretches of time where they go MIA – or patches where they over-post in chunks.
What you can learn from them:
Know your audience! Even if you’re only reaching 500 people, you can optimize your Facebook to be completely relevant to that group. Facility Management Magazine doesn’t try to reach the entire world, they focus on what’s most important to the people they serve. Another thing to remember is that well-timed humor is always appreciated. Social is supposed to be fun too!
Work Design Magazine
Why they rock:
This future-focused company is all about preparing us for the new office demands of today and what’s coming tomorrow. Their Facebook page shares their most popular blog posts from why flexibility is important to how to design a better functioning office. One thing they also do is re-post. They understand their followers might not see their post the first time it goes out, so they rescheduled it for another date and time. It’s best to do this sparingly but is important when you have something really important to share.
What you can learn from them:
Having one general topic that you stick with sometimes can be a good thing! When fans can count on your for something, you become their go-to for everything in that realm. Work Design Magazine has perfected this. They also aren’t afraid to post on a topic more than once, because if they know their followers really need to see something, they want to give them every chance to do so. Follow Work Design Magazine.
Why they rock:
Buildings keep their focus on the facilities manager and his or her needs. Their Facebook is sprinkled with tips on getting updates approved and how Facilities Managers can pitch solar power to their executives. They understand their needs and struggles and try to present functioning solutions. They also like to challenge their fans with situations every facilities manager should be prepared for. While their page functions very straightforward and business-like, their fans know what type of information they can expect and that it will actually educate them to some degree.
What you can learn from them:
Facebook doesn’t have to be all fun and games. Sure it’s a social network, but people also come here to learn and to explore. Buildings gets that concept. They don’t hide behind irrelevant posts or try to gain followers by being different than who they are as a company. They are to-the-point and their fans like it that way.
Office Snapshots
Why they rock:
This company has absolutely nailed visual content on Facebook. Now, their main objective as a company is to share with the world the most beautiful and innovative office spaces through photography, so they have quite a few options to work with. However, they utilize their photos in an engaging way that has drawn over 12,000 people to their page. Their photographs are all similar in nature, and the way they share the pictures varies a little – but is usually within a linked blog post or a direct photo post. This keeps the flow in sync and familiar.
What you can learn from them:
Pretty pictures are not overrated. People love to see visual art, especially places they wouldn’t normally get to see. If you’re running the social pages for an office building, be sure to include updated photos of your office space and any renovations that happen. Follow Office Snapshots.
We would love to know what you think of our own Facebook page! Visit us here, and feel free to leave comments. Need more Facebook inspiration? Check out our blog on starting a facility Facebook account in five simple steps. As always, if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below.
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