Ioffice service request management mobile app now available

HOUSTON, TX (June 9, 2014)– iOFFICE, an industry leader in customized integrated workplace management software solutions (IWMS), announced the release of a new mobile application for their Service Request Management module. 

Service Request, is one of our ten independent modules that have the ability to integrate together to provide valuable information and statistics about a facility to its user. This portion of the iOFFICE portal allows facilities managers to access the tickets for building maintenance requests and to track their preventative maintenance solutions. The new mobile app brings many of the module’s desktop features to a portable device. It is currently available in the iTunes Store for iOS and an Android version of the app is also available.

iOffice Service Request Management Mobile App Screen Shot

The Service Request Module system allows users to create ticket requests, add photos and comments to requests, send specific information to the maintenance team. The app is designed to help users access information about submitted tickets quickly. Users can notice the severity of each request, who it was created for, and by whom, the request location, operators assigned and any photos. 

One of the greatest features of the mobile app is that users have the ability to directly call, text or email the contacts of specific requests right from the app. The app is designed so that building managers can maintain facility tickets while out on the road, which is likely the case much of the time. Users can also take pictures of any damages or desired changes to communicate easily and effectively with their office’s facility teams. 

“We’ve been working with our customers to identify their mobile needs. Being able to quickly look up and access contact information from a mobile device is something that we knew our customers would love”, said Kenton Gray, iOFFICE’s Chief Technology Director. The new mobile application will be easy for customers to use, and will allow them to locate details about their building’s requests while working on the go. 

To learn more about the latest iOFFICE service request mobile application you may visit the iTunes store or the Android App store

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