Ioffice and our workplace customers get together for the roundup

One of the most valuable creeds we can take away from the cowboy code is getting together for the roundup. The cowboys learned early on that no one person had all the answers and that collaboration was fundamental to their survival. While each person has their individual job, sharing thoughts and ideas iOffice talks about getting together for the roundupinspires innovative approaches to things that might otherwise have been ignored. iOffice takes this code very seriously, gathering around the campfire with not just our teammates, but our customers as well. The voice of our customer is a very valuable asset; one that has resulted in newly paved paths for other companies moving forward.

During our campfire talks, we asked some of our customers what they are most concerned with in this rapidly changing workspace. While there are many forces driving these changes, there were several items our customers agreed upon.

  • The driving force behind the changes in the workplace is the need to create a positive employee experience and this is not a one dimensional solution
  • There has been a serious generational shift over the past decade. While we still have Baby Boomers in the workforce, the number of Millennials entering the workforce has increased exponentially. This younger generation of workers has a completely different way of doing everything and expects the workspace to fit into those needs. The workspace needs to conform to the worker not the other way around.
  • There has been a rise in social consciousness over the past decade. A major shift in what’s viewed as important has forced many organizations to seek out ways to do their part environmentally, as well as supporting healthier lifestyles for their employees. Corporate-sponsored fitness programs, local charity events and recycling programs have come to be expected by today’s workforce.
  • Collaboration is a primary focus in today’s workspace. Today’s employees are inspired by open, light spaces that promote collaboration. Mobility is critical to this new space, as employees want to have the ability to move freely and do their job regardless of where they are.
  • Doing more with less has always been a part of many business models. But with today’s technology, more and more organizations are finding ways to make this a reality. Through investment in the proper tools, companies are able to provide their employees with wider mobility, allowing them to telecommute. Many are seeing a rise in productivity and a decrease in their overall spending, as well as increased employee loyalty.

Throughout our trailblazing journey, we have gathered round the campfire with each of our customers. We have worked with many of them on projects to meet their specific needs, most of which resulted in a new path paved for future clients. After all, part of being a true cowboy is identifying needs & goals and finding the necessary tools to make this happen—sometimes this requires new tools.

Such was the case with a global software company we’ve worked with over the years. This software facility did not come to be a leader in their industry without the trailblazing mentality. With over 20,000 customers spanning over 100 countries, mobility is critical for this organization. With a majority of their staff traveling at all times, this company adopted the flexspace concept early-on. The software firm quickly realized that the extensive use of flexspace would require a robust tool for managing. Careful research revealed there was not a room reservation tool available that was simple and easy to use, as well as mobile.

This software firm partnered with iOffice to create a room reservation solution their employees could use on the go. All information is stored and updated in real-time, ensuring employees have access to the most accurate data anywhere, anytime. Out of our collaborative efforts came a software solution that has proven useful to many institutions since. This initial collaboration has led to a long-standing relationship in which “sharing around the campfire” has generated innovative solutions.

An organization’s success is reliant on those that make up the team. Our clients are just as much a part of our team as our employees are. What better way to understand the needs of your customers than to work closely with them throughout the entire process? Initial communication gains us a clear understanding of the organization’s requirements, while collaboration during the development and roll-out phases provides us the information we need to refine our modules so they function at their fullest potential. Our book Wide Open Workspaces: Trailblazing Solutions for Tomorrow’s Workforce offers many additional examples of how our collaborative efforts have led to innovative solutions for our current and future customers.

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