We were truly amazed when we saw the Barbarian Group’s redesigned New York office, so much so that we want to share it with you. This innovative design challenges what we think of when we hear “office desk”. All 125 of the company’s employees can comfortably work at a single desk.
[VIDEO] LA Architect completely Reinvents the Traditional Office Desk
You can access the full article by Madeline Stone from Business Insider here.
The Barbarian Group in New York wanted a space that could house all 125 employees comfortably, and the solution was a wave-like desk constructed on 4,400 square feet of plywood and resin.
Their goal was to “make their work environment as collaborative as possible”. So Barbarian Group “turned to architect Clive Wilkinson to create this space filled with nooks and crannies”, that creates a unified, yet unique space for each worker.
Amazingly the desk cost less to construct than what the company would have normally spent on traditional desks and cubicles.
Watch the video below to see the complete design, and learn how they constructed such a large piece of furniture on site.
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