Wide open workspace february breakfast briefing

In the Houston area? We would like to invite you to the first seminar in our three-part series, Wide Open Workspace, an interactive workshop covering the workplace of the future, and how FMs can prepare. 

Reserve Your Spot At Our First Wide Open Workspace Breakfast Seminar

Wide Open Workspace February 26, 2014 eventWe’re excited to invite you to a brand new seminar series kicking off this February: Wide Open Workspace Breakfast Briefing: Wednesday, February 26th from 8 to 10 am 

Join your fellow IT, HR & FM professionals at iOffice’s headquarters in Houston, Texas for a delicious Whole Foods breakfast and an engaging discussion on the future of the workplace. During this event we will have a panel of FM experts discussing what steps can be taken to prepare for the rapidly changing workspace. Additionally, the panel will answer any questions or challenges you have.

We only have 24 spots left, so hurry and register now.

The When, Where and How to Get There 

When: Our first seminar is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26th from 8:00am to 10:00am 

Where: The seminar will be held at our Houston headquarters, 1210 West Clay Street Ste. 2 Here is a map for your convenience. 

Reservations: Secure your spot by clicking here 


We hope to see you soon!  

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