Telecommuting is on the rise worldwide

Telecommuting is on the rise worldwideFacilities managers are always trying to devise optimal strategies to manage space, but doing so becomes increasingly difficult when not all workers show up to the office on a daily basis. Working from home has become an increasingly prevalent trend, and with it come a myriad of questions for those who maintain facilities. How can companies manage files and resources for these employees? How do they maintain security? How do they supply these employees with offices, desks and chairs on a part-time basis?

These questions are only intensifying with time. According to survey data from Coy Davidson, According to survey data from Reuters, 1 out of every 5 workers in the world is telecommuting frequently, is telecommuting frequently, and 7 percent of remote workers now stay home every day. Only 38 percent of workers are told that they have to be in their workplaces.

It’s difficult for companies to manage employees who are constantly moving in and out of their offices. Departments often ask for more space to house all their workers, but as it is, they’re only using 50 percent of their space at best, and that number is in constant flux due to the volatile trend of telecommuting.

Luckily, facilities management solutions make it easier for companies to oversee their remote workers and ensure their productivity. The professional world may be changing, but office technology is evolving to match the evolution of workers’ habits.

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