Telecommuting is no longer a twinkle in the eye of IT professionals who envisioned a world in which video conferencing and collaborative projects could be completed in real time. Remote work is a reality and it’s sweeping industries across the nation. The benefits – more satisfied employees, lower operating costs, better productivity and smaller carbon footprints. The challenge – determining how to implement telecommuting in traditional business environments.
Enter hoteling – a practice that was developed to meld the old and the new. Most companies still hold meetings in central locations and expect employees to be there physically, and while many younger professionals enjoy having the freedom to work in their preferred environments, other staff members enjoy the routine of commuting to offices every day. Hoteling allows companies to meet the needs of both sides by providing enough space for the maximum number of workers expected on any given day, no more and no less. Employees planning to come to the office can check in with space management software and reserve a desk or meeting room. [blog_cta id=’98b93e02-209a-432e-b172-214f9be2d6e2′] While this presents new challenges for facilities managers, there are major benefits that can be relayed to C-suite executives. Namely, huge are savings involved. The Telework Research Network estimates that companies can reduce turnover, lower absenteeism and reduce facility costs, which add up to approximately $10,000 in savings per employee every year, simply by allowing half-time home based work . |