Between March 4 through 8, approximately 134,988 people will be working remotely in honor of the third annual Telework Week event hosted by The Mobile Work Exchange. By simply avoiding commutes for those five days, it’s estimated that participating employees will save $12,234,484 in gas money. If those same individuals work remotely one day each week for an entire year, they would save around $611,724,216 in fuel expenses, the Mobile Work Exchange reports.
These savings are so drastic because thousands of Americans commute long distances to get to work every day. The United States Census Bureau recently released findings that revealed 8.1 percent of Americans travel 60 minutes or longer to their places of employment.
If that roughly equates to a 60-mile commute, those individuals must spend an estimated $11,250 on gas every year and their vehicles will emit around 6.525 tons of pollutants annually.
To reduce pollution and help their employees keep more of their hard-earned paychecks, companies are developing telecommuting policies that enable them to work from home. However, that means facilities managers must re-think the way space is used in offices. Rather than providing desks, chairs and computers for every staff member, they can use space utilization software to assess their needs and downsize accordingly.
Advanced cloud-based applications help facilities managers determine the expected number of occupants on any given day and supply only enough assets and square footage for that total. Firms can then sell excess equipment or move into a smaller facility, if it’s appropriate, and absorb the savings.