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Why are there more men than women in facilities management profession

It’s a fact – more men than women occupy facilities management positions. As women attempt to climb the corporate ladder, they seem to vanish. While the stats vary somewhat from one country to the next, this pattern is extremely consistent nonetheless. At entry-level positions, over half of the employees in organizations are women. With each […]

Why are there more men than women in facilities management profession Read More »

Do different industries have different facilities management requirements?

Much like the Facilities Management profession, the global business sector is a very diverse group. Along with the varying industries, companies range in size, overall goals, and how they engage with those looking to support them. Some embrace technology while others look to maintain the status quo, sticking with the old methods that worked for

Do different industries have different facilities management requirements? Read More »

Facilities management teams need tools that serve more than one purpose

Much like their predecessors, today’s Facilities Manager has many elements to juggle for transforming the workspace into one that is both productive and inspiring- a place the workforce looks forward to returning to each day. Emerging and existing technology has delivered an incredible amount of options for workplace tools, each with their own set of

Facilities management teams need tools that serve more than one purpose Read More »

Can you support the workplace of the future & the traditional office?

There is no denying that the workplace of the future is poised to look vastly different than the traditional office environment. While the workplace of the future is likely to rely on a global structure with virtual segments that link key players with one another, there is still a place in today’s business world where

Can you support the workplace of the future & the traditional office? Read More »

Iwms makes making things work customizable and efficient

Facility managers are often tasked with the somewhat thankless job of making the resources available to them work, sometimes on a grand scale. Due to advancements in technology and enterprise level resources, however, the tools and resources available to assist this job are better than ever. The acronym IWMS stands for “Integrated Workplace Management System”

Iwms makes making things work customizable and efficient Read More »

Facilities managers have to make things work after decisions are made

The facilities manager has long held the position of managing the back office, playing a critical role in the daily functioning of the company they manage.  Frequently, however, they have been left in the background when critical decisions are made regarding the workspace and how it is managed.  As a result, they have had to

Facilities managers have to make things work after decisions are made Read More »

Fms must have the courage to strive for results and leave the glory behind

The role of the facilities manager is perhaps one of the most valuable positions in the company. Tasked with duties ranging anywhere from ensuring the day-to-day operations go off without a hitch, to aiding executives in budgetary planning and new process implementation, there is never a dull moment. Regardless of the size of the operation

Fms must have the courage to strive for results and leave the glory behind Read More »

Ioffice relies on teamwork for future development of its own products

A professional’s success at work requires entrenching oneself in the core of their chosen industry. Setting yourself up to achieve such success means continuously seeking out new knowledge and, in a sense, “practicing what you preach.”   To do this one must seek out knowledge from their peers within their own organization, their peers, in

Ioffice relies on teamwork for future development of its own products Read More »

7 places you should visit while in new orleans at ifma ww 2014

As a city full of rich history and culture, New Orleans holds something for everyone, including busy facilities managers participating in conferences. While there are countless things to do and numerous places to explore, we have comprised a list of top places for our facility manager friends to visit while in New Orleans for the

7 places you should visit while in new orleans at ifma ww 2014 Read More »