Bye-bye dull presentations

If you have ever sat through a power point presentation, either given by a sales person or at a summit, then you have probably experienced a long, dull event.

I was recently invited to an event that was going to be all power point presentations, but with a twist!  Have you heard of Pecha Kucha?  It is Japenese for “chit chat”.  And it is the newest way to present information.

So what is it? It’s a 20×20 format, based on a simple idea: each presenter has 20 seconds per slide and there are 20 slides.

Recently, Herman Miller partnered with the folks of the Houston chapter of Pecha Kucha to discover what it means to be a sustainable city.

There were 8 presenters from Kirksey, Herman Miller, Rice University, City of Houston and more.

There were a lot of great ideas on what Houstonians can do to be a more sustainable city.  For example, roof top vegetable gardens, living and working closer together, using materials created in our region, harnessing sun and collect water to reuse, and many more.  At iOffice, we even do our part.  We help businesses and facility professionals obtain LEED certifications – which improves energy efficiency and enhances indoor environments.

I must say the format made the presentations concise and kept things moving at a rapid pace.  It was very refreshing with some great ideas and information.  If you get a chance check out both Herman Miller and Pecha Kucha websites to learn more.

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