Why it’s help desk tool won’t work for your work order tickets

Having access to an IT help desk is critical when you’re trying to troubleshoot a problem with your computer, phone, or any other technological gadget that is used to carry out daily functions in the workplace. In addition, trained IT help desk personnel with extensive technical knowledge is a vital resource that is needed on a regular basis.

IT help desk software has a narrowed focus that doesn't entirely meet the needs of the FM.As critical as an IT help desk is to the workplace, it does not fit the precise needs of a facilities manager. Since IT help desk tickets do not specifically track or capture the facilities management information needed, Facilities managers have to do additional work and take extra steps in order to track specific metrics to get the IT ticket system to work for them. Many times the IT help desk ticket system can’t help facility managers at all.

IT help desk software is handy, but it’s designed specifically for IT, not facilities management. Facilities management software is needed to effectively deal with issues unique to the facilities management.

Here are a couple of reasons why…

Facilities Management Goes Well Beyond the Scope of IT Help Desk Software

The key to an IT help desk is to keep technological functions of a building fully operational by helping employees and managers troubleshoot any issues that may be occurring. IT help desk software is designed specifically with these needs in mind. But what about all other aspects of the workplace? Facilities management teams have a lot more on their plate than just making sure the computers are working properly or that software programs aren’t experiencing any glitches.

The scope of the facilities management goes well beyond technological factors, such as ensuring the health and safety of employees, keeping tabs on the location of all employees, managing all spaces and rooms within the building, and maintaining optimal workflow, to name a few. While submitting a ticket to the IT help desk would prove helpful should a computer hardware crash, the avenues that will need to be taken on behalf of the facilities manager will ultimately be long-winded in order to seek the facilities management resolution required. Unfortunately, the work order tickets and information captured with IT help desk software are not configurable and designed to capture the pertinent information related to facilities management.

facilities management software is designed specifically with the tasks and issues that facilities managers deal with on a regular basis. It offers solutions for facilities management ranging from asset management, financial management, stock control, help desk, planned maintenance and client management.

Facilities management software helps solve a much larger scope of issues for the FM.FM Software Can Help Facilities Managers Deal With All Issues in One Place

All issues that facilities managers deal with – from health and safety to facility complaints – can all be managed in one convenient place with specialized facilities management help desk software. Tickets can be created for issues that facilities managers deal with on a regular basis, which can then be classified accordingly under the appropriate category required. The tickets can then be assigned to the proper team for immediate action. Rather than relying on the limited scope of IT help desk software, internal collaboration is much easier.

Although an IT help desk is important to the workplace, it doesn’t entirely fulfill the needs of facilities managers who deal with much more than just technological issues. Rather than having to tweak the IT help desk to track facilities-related metrics, facilities management software offers an all-encompassing solution to help facilities managers adequately manage all aspects of the workplace.

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