One of the more challenging operations for a FM is the process of moving the physical location of an office. Be it for the purpose of adjusting the size of your office, both larger or smaller, to improve the location for greater visibility or simply because the opportunity has presented itself, moving an office is a multi-faceted logistical challenge. Besides just the physical assets, there are all of the technological transfers, office space re-assignments and personnel adjustments, not to mention coordinating with the move team for when and where everything will go. Your FM team needs all the assistance they can get and those looking to take a proactive approach are looking to incorporate a number of newly available tools, which all have one thing in common – Social Media.
You may be thinking, though, how can online chatting assist an office move? Social media has quickly surpassed the initial simplicity of person to person connectivity and is, quite possibly, the strongest network of people, goods and services available today. Where else can you seek out advice on move logistics from a business in Thailand? Here’s some advice on how you can partner with social media to boost your FM abilities during a move.
In The Loop
As the date of the office move draws closer, it is imperative your keep all associated parties in communication. The timeline of the move, as well as the specifics for departments or individuals, can regularly be communicated and updated in an online forum. A Facebook group is quick and easy to establish and will allow for fluid communication. “There are more than 50 million company pages on Facebook, including a few designed specifically for FMs.” –FMLink Twitter also offers a quick alternative for communicating, as messages can be specifically routed and responded to, in real time. This is most important for the actual time of the move, as the office has been deconstructed and team members may be scattered in multiple temporary areas. Even after the move, these modes will prove useful, as a standard for increased communication has been established, keeping the organization moving in a positive direction and helping to increase the bonds within your team. “Small and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of readily available tools to facilitate collaboration.”
Reach your Audience
In addition to increasing awareness throughout the office, social media allows for companies to reach the customer. Promote your move and spread the word on your new office location. This is also a great time to draw in new customers or, at the very least, create more buzz about who you are and what you do. Weston Inc., a premier Commercial Real Estate company urges organizations to “ a little bit vague with a ‘Coming Soon’ message.”
You want to maintain a public persona for your company, regardless of any move plans, but the excitement is often contagious, when change is afoot. Capitalize on your opportunities. You may also find that, other than new clients, you are attracting the next superstar associate!
Research Your Options
Promoting is a two way street on social media. As much as you may be building your online presence, so are related businesses. Therefore, when it is time to make a move, what better way to search out a quality moving company than to refer to the existing network. Not only can you see various companies’ individual profiles, you can also seek out recommendations or reviews of moving companies. “If you have a specific mover in mind, go to and check the company’s BBB Business Review for its rating, complaint history and details regarding those complaints.”
After the move, continue the process and review your experience. If the move was exceptional, express that. Fruitful business partnerships can begin anywhere and anytime.
New Techniques And Procedures
Although the move went well and everyone is settled in, this isn’t the last time a move will take place and there is always room for improvement. Maybe a quick trip to social media can help? Although YouTube isn’t typically considered social media in most minds, the ease of recording, editing and uploading video has made for a thriving potential of engaging communication. Video blogs and tutorials are abundant and serve to connect ideas and people in a way that facilitates multiple facets of learning, be it visual, audial, or kinesthetic.
Whole move operations can be explained or specific details focused upon. And there is no ambiguity of methods for the learned task, as it is explained in clear video images. Remember that positive move experience you just enjoyed? Share this information in a video. It will boost your company’s presence and shows you are competing with the other progressive colleagues, in your field. “A written testimonial is a powerful marketing tool, but a video testimonial is even more credible.”
Social media is an ever-expanding juggernaut of information and connectivity and doesn’t show any signs of receding. Although the focus was initially on more of the individual’s place in the internet landscape, the business world has quickly adapted and used this “tool” to it’s benefit. The vastness of the internet was incredibly difficult to navigate, as so many groups or individuals had unconnected territories spread out across the internet landscape. But, with the advent of social media, there are centralized meeting places or hubs of activity, which easily and quickly connect related parties. For more insight into how you can put Social Media to work for you, visit our blog 5 Advantages of Using Social Media in Facilities Management. Don’t let this powerful tool go unused in your organization.
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