Inspirational quotes from ifma’s world workplace 2015

Even though the highlight of the facilities management industry year is now over, we can still continue to learn from the event! There were so many incredible speakers at IFMA’s World Workplace from Josh Linker’s powerful opening keynote, to Elizabeth Dukes’ and Pankaj Dhume’s tips for workplace innovation, there was something for everyone this year in Denver. 

Josh Linkner | Turning Raw Ideas Into Powerful Results

We often get so tied up in the daily grind that our purpose and spark begins to fade. This can be where Photo courtesy of IFMA Josh Linkner World Workplacecomplacency takes over, and nothing new ever comes out of work. Linkner challenges us to avoid becoming so self-involved that we forget to grow. 

“We can’t become intoxicated by our existence. The best of the best reinvent themselves.” – Josh Linkner

Sometimes being creative in a strict profession is frowned upon. Why change something that has been working “good enough” for years? Linkner understands that creativity doesn’t have to be this large, encompassing change. It can be used subtly, to gradually change the components of your work environment you’re not satisfied with. 

“Don’t say no to creativity because you think it is an all or nothing bet.” – Josh Linkner

Photo courtesy of IFMA - World Workplace 2015

Elizabeth Dukes & Pankaj Dhume | 6 Tips for Workplace Innovation 

At BMC Software, Dhume and his team recognized a serious problem in their workplace. People we’re tied to their desks, forced to work in a location that may or may not have been the most productive. 

“There was nothing standard about our space other than dark furniture. We needed a change.” – Pankaj Dhume 

Facilities management should be about supporting your workforce, not stifling them. If your FM department isn’t adapting and progressing along with your changing team – your company’s growth will suffer. 

“Let’s create a workplace that is a catalyst for growth.” – Elizabeth Dukes

Both Dhume and Dukes recognize that a flexible, functioning space is the only way to help your workforce do what they are capable of. Give them the tools they need, and they will shine. 

“Help your team move mountains, not just manage them.” – Elizabeth Dukes


Neil Papasricha | How to be Awesome at Work

We all want to be awesome at work, and Papasricha shows us how to do just that. His overarching theme? Supporting others and bringing an authenticity to your work that can’t be fabricated. 

“The 4 A’s of Awesome 1. Attitude 2. Awareness 3. Airspace 4. Authenticity” – Neil Papasricha

Papasricha knows even the most thrilling of careers can be dull at times. Help inspire each other by acknowledging everyone’s individual and team accomplishments with a Wall of Awesome. 

“Get inspired every day! Have a Wall of Awesome at work to inspire each other!” – Neil Papasricha


We have enough motivation to keep us going until next year’s World Workplace. Will we see you in sunny San Deigo for #IFMAWW16? Let us know in the comments below, and what you hope to see next year. 

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