Flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly popular across every industry. Employees’ expectations are changing, and offices that are staying current with trends will find and retain the best talent. How do you even start enabling your employees to schedule when they’ll be in the office?
Still Using Outlook To Schedule Rooms? We have a smarter solution.
Real estate is a huge cost to a company, but 50% of office space is vacant at any given time. Welcome to OpenSpace, a room reservation app for employees and coordinators to book conference rooms, desk space, collaboration space and quiet space. From any smart phone device it’s easy to use. It’s mobile and desktop enabled, and it’s cost effective. View open spaces and locations, invite guests, modify existing reservations and schedule via your calendar all from one application. Brought to you by iOffice.
What Can OpenSpace Enable Your Workforce To Do?
- Utilize your existing office space and predict future spacial needs
- Adopt a flexible working environment for employees
- Ensure room availability for important meetings and guests
- Eliminate wasted space and under-utilized assets
Interested? Click here to schedule a live demo, where you can ask specific questions that apply to your facility.