A combination of media attention, new technology, and influential research has pushed sustainability issues to the forefront of the facilities management profession. Annual surveys consistently rank facility sustainability at or near the top of facility management priority lists; a key indication of the degree to which issues of waste, inefficiency and environmental impact have transformed the industry.
Fortunately, facilities professionals can take some relatively straightforward steps toward meeting evolving sustainability targets and benchmarks, and a strong CMMS program can help simplify the process.
Scheduling Upgrades, Retrofits, Etc.
One simple way to implement a sustainability agenda is to sit down with your list of targeted areas of improvement and begin creating schedules in your CMMS that will automatically generate work orders and deliver them to your maintenance staff and vendors. With assets stored in an easy-to-use maintenance management program, facilities professionals can simply pull up the equipment, machinery, systems, etc. that they would like to upgrade, replace or improve, and assign the tasks out to the appropriate work staff. Schedules can be created according to the manufacturer\’s recommendations concerning when to upgrade or retrofit. This way, facilities professionals can move methodically through their list of sustainability initiatives and check them off as each work order is assigned.
Identifying Areas Needing Improvement
A quality maintenance management software will offer robust reporting features that will enable facilities professionals to make informed decisions as to which areas should be prioritized for upgrade or improvement. A strong CMMS platform makes this process much easier by centralizing data and keeping detailed work logs. If, for example, HVAC systems or water pipes are causing persistent, costly problems, they will have an extensive work history that can be used to easily diagnose underlying problems and trends before they become costly repairs. Facilities professionals can then use this data to determine which areas will yield the largest immediate benefit from a sustainable upgrade or replacement.
Track Assets by Meter Readings, Gas/Oil Usage, etc.
Tracking assets by meter/gauge readings is a straightforward way to ensure that they are not deteriorating and consuming more resources than they should. This provides facilities professionals with accurate, detailed insight into the state of their machines and systems whenever they need it, and enables them to address problems while they are small.
Get a Custom Assessment
Every facility has different needs, so it is always a good idea to get in touch with experts who can help you put together a sustainability agenda. From that point, the experts at ManagerPlus can help you implement that agenda. No matter how large and daunting your sustainability needs may be, ManagerPlus can help you break the process down and make it more manageable.