Using social media at ifma’s world workplace

If you’ve ever attended a conference before, you’ve probably noticed that social media is a large part of the event. It’s a great way to connect with what’s going on around you, and to see things you may have missed. It can get overwhelming the sheer amount of things happening at once, and social can help you keep track of it all. Here are tips for using social media to get the fullest experience possible while at IFMA’s World Workplace conference in Denver this October. 

We are getting so excited about IFMA’s World Workplace conference in Denver this year! As the largest facilities management event of its kind in the world, it’s definitely a busy and active few days. FMs from all over the globe come together to learn, network and connect with the industry. Here’s how to use social media to stay on top of it all. 


Use The Hashtag

One of the most important things about staying in the loop at a conference is using the correct hashtag. IFMA makes it easy, as each year the World Workplace hashtag is the same, while the only part that changes is the date. This year it is #IFMAWW15. Write it down. Scribble it on your hand. Send yourself via text. Just don’t forget it!

Use this little set of letters to search tweets that pertain just to this conference. Go up to the top right side of Using hashtags on twitter for conferencesyour timeline, and search in the tab next to your Twitter image. You will then see what’s trending, who’s attending and the latest happenings on the expo floor. If you want your tweets added to the mix, just add the hashtag to your tweet. Be sure to check out the top tweets in the hashtag feed. These are the most popular and probably most relevant topics going on at that time. You can also sort them by photos, live (most recent), accounts or video depending on what you’re looking for.

Hunt Down Clues

There is going to be a new event at World Workplace this year, and it involves hunting for clues around the expo floor and sharing your findings on Twitter to win prizes! We can’t reveal too much just yet, so stay tuned for more information as it comes our way.

Connect With Speakers & Network 

One of the greatest parts of connecting at the largest FM conference of it’s kind is the variety of people you’ll Screen_Shot_2015-08-28_at_8.42.57_AMhave the opportunity to meet. People from all over the globe come to World Workplace, and we guarantee everyone could teach you something new. Networking at #IFMAWW15 should begin even before we all fly in to Denver! You probably are following a few key facilities management influencers and companies on LinkedIn or Twitter that you’re just dying to meet in person. Reach out to them and let them know! A simple tweet saying you’re excited to see their booth or that you want to ask a few questions about an article they wrote, will help break the ice and allow your connections time to get to know you as well.

Another way to connect is to reach out during the conference. Did you really resonate with a quote from a keynote address? Let the speaker know! The more you engage with your colleagues, the more connections you’ll make. Or, if you’re attending the conference solo, social is the perfect place to meet other FMs traveling alone. Meet up for dinner after the expo floor closes, or attend a speech together. It’s always a better experience when you engage with other people who have quite a bit in common with you.

Stay Plugged In After You Leave

Staying connected doesn’t have to stop when the conference closes its doors. Make connections with people Using social media to connect with people at conferencesyou met in person on LinkedIn. Actually send that introduction to your coworker like you promised. Retweet your favorite speakers’ quotes from their presentation. Tweet at companies you visited on the expo floor to let them know what you liked and didn’t like. Social is all about making connections, voicing your opinion and sharing information with others.

No sure what to post? Try sharing a few photos of your favorite booth design, or quoting the most memorable speaker you saw. Your followers who couldn’t make it will love looking at your experience, as will other team members at your company. Share what you learned and stay in touch with the connections you made – we promise you’ll appreciate it later. If you want to relive some of the fun, be sure to check out IFMA’s flickr post of images after the conference is over. Here are images from World Workplace 2014. 

If you participate, it will help benefit your career and help make the next conference even better. Let IFMA know how you enjoyed the flow of the week, and what you would like to see improved next year. You will only get out of social media what you put into it! 

How will you be using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook during #IFMAWW15? We would love to know! Sound off in the comments below.

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