Will the office of future need a mail room or mail tracking system?

Will mail rooms and mail tracking go away?It should come as no surprise that traditional mail has taken a hit in light of increased reliance on mobile technology and electronic messaging. With revenue down, the United States Postal Services (USPS) has been making drastic decisions to close offices in rural areas and reduce service.

In fact, the USPS recently made a landmark announcement that beginning August 5, 2013, it will no longer deliver letters on Saturday. Packages will still be carried on first day of the weekend, but letters will have to wait until Monday. While this might seem like an inconvenience to those waiting on bills or news from loved ones, the post office asserts the public doesn’t mind.

“Market research conducted over the last several years by the Postal Service and numerous news outlets consistently showed 70 percent of Americans supported the move to a five-day delivery schedule,” said Toni DeLancey, senior manager of public relations at the USPS. “With our new plan to maintain six-day package delivery, we expected higher support.”

This shift is something facilities managers have seen in recent years, as everything from invoicing and income tax filing to job applications are primarily processed on computers. To keep up with these changes, facilities managers are moving toward automation to handle the influx of digital paperwork and mail.

With an advanced mail tracking system, FMs can tackle the challenges of both traditional packages and electronic mail, ensuring all forms of communication are delivered to recipients in a timely manner. Mail tracking software allows FMs to quickly capture and track package IDs, recipient names, dates and timestamps through a mobile device. The result is the ability to measure service delivery and ensure a high integrity of package delivery.

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