Workspace managers add more value when they put their skills together

The facilities management profession has changed dramatically over the last decade. Their role was once focused on the brick and mortar, ensuring the day to day operations went off without a hitch. As organizations and work styles evolve, FM teams have had to take on more responsibilities, while still ensuring the space is managed properly. With so many moving pieces to tend to, successful teams must work together, recognizing each individual’s strengths and weaknesses and delegating responsibilities accordingly.


Facility Management Teams Are The Modern Day Cowboys


As technology progresses and customer’s needs change, so too does the role of the facilities manager. These Workspace Cowboys must recognize their profession as a wide-open range, where the possibilities are only limited by themselves.


“Well-managed services enable an organization to function at its most efficient and effective level, offering real added value improvements to the organization’s core business.” -Facilities Society


Most companies are comprised of multiple, very different generations of workers. This, coupled with the fact that technology changes seemingly daily, can either stifle a FM team, or lead them to the top. Those that have led their companies to the greatest success recognize that each member has something valuable to offer, tapping into those strengths. Building a powerful team is paramount. Once your “dream team” has been built, communication and collaboration are of the utmost importance.

There is No “I” in Teamwork

According to George N. Root III of Demand Media, “Members of the team bring in their own experiences and level of expertise to a project to help create an effective finished product. To collaborate effectively the team must be able to communicate and share ideas, and there also needs to be a feeling of respect in place for each team member’s contribution.”

Facility maintenance, proper use of spatial assets, and ensuring their customers have the tools they need for maximum productivity are just a few of the workspace manager’s duties. To ensure teamwork is Team work helps facility teams add valuesupported throughout the entire organization, FM’s must work closely with multiple departments. And with so many workplace styles to accommodate, this must truly be a collaborative effort. Facilities management teams must empower their co-workers through innovative tools and creative workspace solutions such as telecommuting, flex spacing, quiet spaces and collaborative workspaces. By putting their heads together, these workspace managers ensure each employee has the tools they need to work efficiently.

Pioneers in workplace management recognize that no one person has all the answers and that each member has something valuable to add. Teamwork is perhaps one of your greatest assets and the ability to garner creative ideas from each teammate is the mark of a great leader. This creative, collaborative environment solidifies your team both as a whole and as individuals. It creates a feeling of camaraderie company wide and helps attract top talent as the business grows.

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